Although sometimes we may think that physical punishment of children should be prohibited in all countries, sometimes we are surprised to realize that it is not. In fact, the Senate of the Republic of Mexico has just approved unanimously, with 114 votes in favor, the prohibition of any type of corporal punishment of minors.
Category Punishments
Just as the one who raises his voice is no more right, the one who shouts will not achieve better results. Not much less. Perhaps the opposite. Shouting can have two origins: either a loss of patience or because we firmly believe that it generates authority and discipline. But it doesn't matter what the origin is.
Although sometimes we may think that physical punishment of children should be prohibited in all countries, sometimes we are surprised to realize that it is not. In fact, the Senate of the Republic of Mexico has just approved unanimously, with 114 votes in favor, the prohibition of any type of corporal punishment of minors.