Have you heard about the new viral challenge that triumphs among children? Surely yes, surely this dangerous practice in which two young people jump while tripping a third person has already reached your ears. It has become popular on Tik Tok, although it has spread to other social networks.
Category New Technologies
Children's access to new technologies seems to have no brakes. Before, the concern was limited to children spending too many hours in front of the television, while today there is great anxiety among parents about the contact that children, including babies, have with smartphones and tablets.
When it comes to the education of children, as much as we want to do it well, there is always something that eludes us and something new that surprises us, right? I had heard of the empty time (as opposed to quality time) that is spent with children, those times when you are with them but at the same time thinking about the thousand things that you still have to do.
You want to be a modern mother or father and let your children use the app and social network of short videos Tik Tok, but at the same time you are afraid that they will use it & 39; crazy & 39;, that they still happen more time glued to the mobile screen, that they talk to people who should not and that they see and / or upload inappropriate content.
Tell me something, dear mom, what do you do to calm your children when they are restless? Or when they get bored, they feel nervous, they are tired and they have a tantrum ... And no, I don't want your answer to be drawings, I already know that, my idea is to try to go one step further. Do you want to know what I have discovered?
Have you heard about the new viral challenge that triumphs among children? Surely yes, surely this dangerous practice in which two young people jump while tripping a third person has already reached your ears. It has become popular on Tik Tok, although it has spread to other social networks.
No parent with a pre-adolescent or adolescent child will be caught by surprise if, analyzing the addiction caused by video games, we also talk about Fortnite. And it is that this video game is causing a sensation among boys and girls around the world. Its popularity is so great that parents cannot help wondering to what extent our children could be addicted to its enjoyment.
New technologies are here to stay. In our lives and also in those of our children. We cannot look the other way and & 39; marginalize them & 39; trying to make them the only children who do not have a tablet, a mobile phone or a video game console when they have reached a certain age. But what we cannot allow is that children spend so much time in front of a screen that they stop doing and learning other essential things.
Traditionally we know the pacifier as an object to which babies cling to suck (as its name implies), in order to calm them in a stressful or painful situation. But did you know that in today's age we all have our own pacifier even as adults? Have you heard about the digital pacifier and the addiction to mobile phones and tablets that it can cause?
If your son or daughter asks you if the Tik Tok app can be downloaded, what would you say? I am assuming that your child is small, because if he has already reached adolescence and has his own mobile, it is likely that he will not ask you about this or that application. The fact is that my little one is 7 years old and, from what I have heard, there are already some children in his class who have a profile created on the fashion social network Tik Tok.