Category Limits - Discipline

4 keys to using intensive parenting without overloading children
Limits - Discipline

4 keys to using intensive parenting without overloading children

There are many parenting styles: respectful parenting, positive parenting, democratic parenting, authoritarian parenting, etc. This time we are going to focus on learning more about intensive parenting, since we hear more and more about it. Misused, it can cause overloading children (and with it, anxiety and stress problems), so we give you some keys to take advantage of intensive parenting and benefit from all its advantages.

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Limits - Discipline

4 keys to using intensive parenting without overloading children

There are many parenting styles: respectful parenting, positive parenting, democratic parenting, authoritarian parenting, etc. This time we are going to focus on learning more about intensive parenting, since we hear more and more about it. Misused, it can cause overloading children (and with it, anxiety and stress problems), so we give you some keys to take advantage of intensive parenting and benefit from all its advantages.
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Limits - Discipline

Common discipline mistakes that are very toxic to children

The word discipline etymologically comes from the Latin & 39; discipulus & 39; and it means imposing a necessary order to be able to carry out learning. In the upbringing and education of children, discipline is not only necessary, but essential. Parents should strive to apply it in the best way so that their children grow up with a healthy and strong self-esteem.
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Limits - Discipline

4 tips to set limits for children from positive discipline

Boys and girls need limits to more fully develop their own happiness. And it is that, along with the rules, they are fundamental for their emotional well-being and for the rest of the people with whom they are going to interact. Next we are going to analyze a series of clues that will help us to set limits for children from positive discipline, that is, from kindness and firmness.
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Limits - Discipline

Limits help children manage and control their emotions

Many parents have a hard time saying No to their children, but it is something necessary for a good family life together. Setting limits from values ​​and not from the fact itself avoids overwhelming the child with constant reprimands, but also setting limits for children encourages their safety and improves their self-esteem.
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Limits - Discipline

The useful PERA technique to set limits for children according to Montessori

There are two things that concern all parents: making children happy and giving them a good education, in every way. To achieve both, limits are very necessary as they serve as a guide for the little ones. But, how can we propose them in a respectful and effective way? We spoke with Marta Prada (Montessori guide, educator of positive discipline families, and author of the book & 39; Educate in happiness & 39;) to tell us what the Montessori method proposes on how to apply limits to children.
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Limits - Discipline

15 keys you should know to set limits for 8-year-olds

Without a doubt, one of our main challenges as parents is to set limits and propose rules to our children and ensure that they respect them while our emotional ties remain strong and stable with them. Of course, as they get older, this task becomes complex and begins to involve more elements than when they are smaller.
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Limits - Discipline

Tips to set limits for 7-year-olds and make them listen to us

One of the most important functions we have as parents is, without a doubt, to set limits for our children. And we like it more or we like it less, the truth is that this parental function when establishing rules is absolutely essential for boys and girls, of all ages, but also the 7-year-olds on whom we focus on this occasion, can develop properly and grow safe, knowing what they can do or how far they can go.
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Limits - Discipline

12 much-needed tips for setting limits for 6-year-olds

We have arrived with our son at the wonderful age of six. Each time he reaches new goals and matures in every way; He's definitely a & 39; big boy & 39; already. And for this reason, we can share with him new activities, have more structured talks, get off to a good start with homework and school topics and countless other changes.
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Limits - Discipline

6 good tips not to fall and spoil children too much

Many parents fall into the trap of spoiling their children too much and giving them everything they ask for so that they can be happy. Some believe that, otherwise, the little ones could have some kind of trauma in the future that triggers resentment towards parents for not giving & 39; enough affection & 39 ;.
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Limits - Discipline

When to start disciplining children

Being a mother or father represents a major change in one's life. A change not only for parents but also for the baby, the children. They both grow, learn, have to overcome problems and difficulties. For this reason, the baby's first year is a very special stage and very different from the second year, when the little one already begins to take its first steps, to move with more autonomy and to want to try everything.
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Limits - Discipline

What is Mindful Parenting and Why We Should Use It More

It seems that the place of the little ones in the society in which we live was less and less clear, that their needs are blurred in the rush in which we all live, and that their development and vitality is slowed down by obstacles that adults themselves put up on their way. To deal with these aspects, I propose conscious parenting, based on the observation of the child and their accompaniment.
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