Category Language - Speech Therapy

Language - Speech Therapy

And if the origin of the delay in the child's language is in the intestine

The process of language and communication is more complex than many imagine, since it is even considered a higher mental function. Initially it was believed that there were only some areas of the brain that were responsible for receiving, decoding and emitting information, but today we know that practically the entire brain is used to communicate effectively, because we use from the most primitive structure to the most specialized neuron that characterizes the human race.
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Language - Speech Therapy

How to promote oral language in children

Oral language is the vehicle with which we express ourselves and make ourselves understood by others, that is why it is so important to begin to master it as soon as possible, since it can become decisive in later academic performance. time to express our oral language is the voice, we are born with it and in all people it is different.
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Language - Speech Therapy

Pictograms - Excellent tool to improve the child's language

It is becoming more and more frequent to recommend specific games by both school-age teachers and therapists specializing in child development. The objective of any specific game is on the one hand to entertain and amuse, while promoting specific skills. In the case of wanting to improve specific language and communication objectives, pictograms or pictographic resources can be an excellent option.
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Language - Speech Therapy

14 resolved doubts about the good development of children's language

The correct development of children's language is a matter of great concern to parents. Will my child be behind in acquiring vocabulary? Is it normal that you still do not know how to maintain a fluid conversation? Why is it so difficult for you to pronounce the R? We have spoken with Juana Toriggia, who is an expert speech therapist in child neurolinguistic evaluation, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by parents.
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Language - Speech Therapy

All your doubts about the short lingual frenulum in babies and children

You love to enjoy your child's smile, but there are times when you notice something strange, especially when putting it on the breast. Your little one may have a tongue tie or short lingual frenulum, something that prevents him from moving his tongue properly. It affects around 2-5 of newborns, it has been estimated that it is more frequent in boys than in girls and that, although it is not hereditary, it is more common in children with family members who have suffered from it.
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