Category Diseases - discomfort

Diseases - discomfort

Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy, from conception to the birth of the baby. However, the importance of this fact will vary depending on the weeks of pregnancy in which the woman is. We must differentiate between staining and bleeding, we refer to staining when the amount is so small that it does not cover or soak a compress, it can be reddish or already brown (coagulated blood).
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Diseases - discomfort

Risks and Diagnosis of Thrombophilia in a Woman's Pregnancy

When we talk about thrombophilia we are talking about a group of diseases in which there is an abnormal tendency to thrombosis, that is, a greater facility to form clots, to form thrombi in the blood, obstructing the adequate arterial and venous blood flow. Thrombus embolic disease can occur in 10-15 of the general population, but also during pregnancy.
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Diseases - discomfort

Tricks for foot pain in pregnancy

In pregnancy, the discomforts that can affect a woman's body are the most varied. From fluid retention, through different emotional states, being overweight or aesthetic problems such as cellulite or unexpected varicose veins. However, the feet also swell and can hurt from weight gain among other factors.
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Diseases - discomfort

Third trimester: tricks to ease the discomfort of pregnancy

We enter the final stretch of pregnancy and it is in the third trimester that the woman feels more discomfort due to the large size of the belly and all the other changes that she has experienced in these last months. Around week 36 of pregnancy, the baby is She places her head down, preparing to be born cephalad, and each day she has less room to move.
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Diseases - discomfort

Foods to control the thyroid gland in pregnancy

The problems associated with the thyroid gland are quite frequent during pregnancy and their treatment is of vital importance for the development of the pregnancy. Untreated, these hormonal imbalances can result in premature or low birth weight, pre-eclampsia (excessive increase in blood pressure), or even miscarriage.
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Diseases - discomfort

11 hilarious pregnant problems you'll identify with

How are we going to prepare to be mothers? We don't have time for that! The nine months of pregnancy we are going to spend going back and forth to the bathroom, giving free rein to all our cravings or showing off our frequent mood swings. So there is no one who concentrates to try to be the best mother in the world, don't you think?
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Diseases - discomfort

The worst toxic habits in pregnancy that every woman should avoid

We are going to give you bad news, or perhaps it is not so negative, because after reading it you will be able to decide whether to change something in your life or not, especially if one of your plans is to increase your family. Did you know that everything around us contains chemicals? In the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the dining room ... If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, these are the worst toxic habits in pregnancy that every woman should avoid!
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Diseases - discomfort

Gingivitis and other periodontal problems in pregnant women

All the hormonal changes that a woman will experience throughout her life (puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation, hormone intake or menopause) will influence the health of her gums. It is precisely during pregnancy when the greatest physiological hormonal changes occur in a woman's life, and one of the areas of the body most affected by these changes is the mouth.
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Diseases - discomfort

The flu in pregnancy. Risks to the baby

The flu is a disease of the respiratory system caused by the influenza virus. In pregnancy, the woman's immune system is somewhat more depressed and, therefore, pregnant women are more likely to be infected with the influenza virus, however, it must be said that this virus has a contagious capacity, that is , it can pass very easily from one person to another through droplets of saliva that are expelled when speaking, coughing or sneezing.
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