You hear more and more about mindfulness or meditation for children and its benefits. In fact, many schools are introducing this practice into their school hours. But what is this about mindfulness? How and from what age can we introduce children to the practice of meditation?
Category Depression and anxiety
The practice of meditation or mindfulness requires training, time and perseverance. For children, starting to meditate can be very fun and useful, although we must look for activities adapted to their age and abilities. For this reason, below we propose some simple guided meditation exercises to do at home with children.
You hear more and more about mindfulness or meditation for children and its benefits. In fact, many schools are introducing this practice into their school hours. But what is this about mindfulness? How and from what age can we introduce children to the practice of meditation?
Limiting the movement of citizens as much as possible is one of the measures that authorities around the world have recommended to stop the spread of COVID-19 worldwide. We must all stay at home, however, confinement and quarantine can have a negative psychological impact on children (and also on parents), so this time we take care to find a way to reduce its consequences.
Mindfulness is a practice on the rise in recent decades. So much so, that surely you know one or more people who usually carry it out. Mindfulness exercises for children are also very beneficial. They teach them to breathe correctly and calmly to eliminate stress. But it also teaches them to regulate their emotions and to feel more relaxed.
Mindfulness offers children and adults many benefits. Among them, it helps eliminate stress, improves concentration and helps improve coexistence within the home. From our site we offer you a selection of Mindfulness exercises that you can practice in a very simple way. Some of them are especially suitable for parents and others for children, but most can be practiced as a family.
Anxiety and stress is the evil of our time and not only children suffer them, adults are not exempt from going through moments like this. If you notice that your children are stressed and feel anxiety, something is wrong! It is time to act, but many times we do not know how to do it. Applying mindfulness techniques at home can help us educate happy children and, above all, control these situations of anxiety and stress.