Are you breastfeeding and your baby lately every time you offer the breast ends up biting it and eating little? You have no idea why it does it? Do you want to know how to avoid it? Here's why some babies bite when breastfeeding and what you can do to fix it: Breastfeeding is a challenge for mothers.
Category Breastfeeding
Does the physical and emotional state of the mother affect the production of breast milk? Yes. Some women believe that moments of great stress, anxiety or depression, or great sadness, or even great worry, have had an impact on breastfeeding. In many cases like these, milk production can be affected.
As a pediatrician, woman, mother and grandmother, I never cease to be amazed every day at how wonderful and beneficial breast milk is, a liquid of living cells that modifies its composition in nutrients and immunoglobulins according to nutritional and defense needs of our children. What would you think if I told you that breast milk is modified according to your baby's sixth?
Throughout breastfeeding, some conditions may occur, among which it is known by the name of pearl of milk, which is nothing more than a white and pearly point, like a kind of blister that appears on the mother's nipple and causing severe pain at the time the baby is breastfed.
This raising children is a matter for a few, for mom and dad (we can't forget grandparents who always lend a hand). However, it is talking about how to feed our baby and starting to hear unfortunate comments of all kinds. If you don't breastfeed your baby, they'll say things like 'why don't you breastfeed your baby if it's the best for him?
The advantages of breastfeeding are manifold for both babies and mothers. And it is that in addition to helping us to recover the body and prevent future diseases, breastfeeding the baby helps reduce the stress of mothers. Isn't it cool? And it is that breastfeeding never ceases to amaze us.
Are you breastfeeding and your baby lately every time you offer the breast ends up biting it and eating little? You have no idea why it does it? Do you want to know how to avoid it? Here's why some babies bite when breastfeeding and what you can do to fix it: Breastfeeding is a challenge for mothers.
When a woman decides to breastfeed for the first time she faces a lot of unfamiliar situations: rising of the milk, cracks in the nipple, poor latch on of the baby and possible engorgement of the breasts. What can be done to avoid reaching this circumstance? We teach you how to do a massage to stimulate the breast milk ducts and avoid possible mastitis.
Achieving a good latch on the baby to the breast, that is one of the most important keys for breastfeeding to be satisfactory for the child and for the mother. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to achieve it even before your son or daughter is born. To help you know everything about how to get the baby to have a good position and to suck correctly at the nipple, we have spoken with Pilar MartÃnez, consultant in breastfeeding.
Through all times, the breasts of women have always maintained and maintain their interest both as a secondary female sexual characteristic of great aesthetic importance or as sexual attractiveness, and in many opportunities it is the center of a woman's self-esteem. It is not surprising, therefore, that today young and not-so-young women undergo a breast augmentation or breast reduction feel better.
Sometimes, for various reasons, a family that feeds their baby formula from a bottle may decide to resume breastfeeding. This can be restored through a process known as relactation, which involves going from artificial or mixed breastfeeding to breastfeeding. To relactate successfully and for the mother to produce breast milk again, some recommendations must be taken into account.
Believe it or not, breast milk is not always white, or, rather, bluish white, since it can change its color due to physiological, pathological and / or dietary causes. What does each of the colors of breast milk mean? If you have opted for breastfeeding, you have to know that these color changes will not affect the baby's digestion, nor will they cause harm to his health, therefore, you do not have to suspend breastfeeding, since remove the cause of the color change, the milk will return to its normal color.
Carrying is natural, although you see it as something that has recently become fashionable, it was the method of transportation of their young that our ancestral mothers used and that has been preserved in tribal societies. Do you want to carry? How to do it? And, above all, how to breastfeed your baby while carrying?
When it comes to breastfeeding, it is normal that many doubts arise about how to do it in the best way for both the baby and the mother. In addition, there are many myths that are passed from generation to generation and that, in many cases, are not true. Guiainfantil has received a question from a nursing mother who wants to know if the rise in breast milk can cause a fever in the mother.
As is well known, breast milk has multiple benefits for both the baby and the mother and more if it is offered exclusively for at least the first 6 months of life, as recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and from 6 months to a year it is offered together with complementary feeding and extends to 2 years or more, according to the decision of the mother and child binomial.
On our site we have the best specialists to help you in the upbringing and education of your children, but also in caring for their health. Within the framework of our Guiainfantil Responds project, in which we answer all your questions, we have received a message from a mother concerned about how the mother's type of feeding affects the baby during breastfeeding.
It is no secret to anyone that breastfeeding brings with it many questions, and sometimes various aspects are overlooked that we believe may not be important; Just as there are myths, there are realities and it is important that you know them in time, so in this article we will talk about the danger of moisturizers during breastfeeding.
As a midwife, many scared women have asked me about postpartum hair loss. Some of them came very alarmed, assuring me that & 39; it was not normal & 39 ;. And I answered them what I knew: that it was, that it was temporary and that they should not worry. But when I experienced it as a recent mother, I understood them much better: was it sure that it was normal?
If you are breastfeeding, you have probably heard that, as time goes by, your milk becomes pure water and that no longer feeds the baby. I want to talk to you in this article about the fact that & 39; becomes water and no longer feeds & 39 ;. And that is not the case, on the contrary, as time passes, breast milk continues and will continue to be a valuable food for your child.
When you have a baby and have decided to breastfeed, in general everyone supports your decision, even praises it. But if you keep it beyond six months, when the teeth have already come out, some people may tell you that you are going to have cavities from continuing to breastfeed.
Breastfeeding is a world that a pregnant woman has to discover little by little when she holds her baby in her arms. Although we believe that it is something given by nature, it does not hurt to prepare in advance, at least to know what will happen when we are before that unique and incomparable moment in which we create a bond with our baby while we feed him with our own Body.