Why won't the kids come with a manual under their arm? Maybe that would be easier. Parents would know what to do and, consequently, they would be better off. So, if everything were so programmed, where would be the moments of asking for forgiveness and hugging, for example? Being parents is difficult, but it is the best adventure a person can face, it is to get on the roller coaster of emotions!
Category Be mothers and fathers
How would you feel if your partner tells you that he loves you a lot but does not want to share activities or time with you? Something similar is what our children must feel when we say: & 39; I'm sorry darling, but now I don't want to play with you & 39 ;. But what can we do and say to children when we don't feel like playing with them?
A smile, a little game, read them a story at night ... There are non-material and sentimental things that don't cost us anything to do, but that for our little ones mean a world of happiness. They are everyday actions and gestures that promote family unity and, at the same time, make our children feel loved.
Congratulations, dear mom! If you are reading this post about the topics that you should discuss or dialogue with your partner before your baby is born, you are already pregnant, or at least you intend to stay soon; so I allow myself the freedom to congratulate you. You have in front of you a very beautiful path of roses and the greatest adventure of your life, but that does not mean you should stop planning and thinking.
Parents are the first and main references of our children. Hence, we must pay attention to the language we use with them, but also to the way we behave and educate them. Hence, on a day-to-day basis, certain everyday situations can occur in which parents are easily reflected in children and their behavior.
We try to be perfect fathers and mothers: that they do everything well, that they always have everything in order, that they spend all the time in the world with their children ... However, perfection does not exist and, therefore, our goal should not be achieve it within our motherhood or fatherhood. However, there are some red lines that fathers and mothers cannot cross, especially when we talk about the education of our children.
Children are capable of testing us as no one has ever done. If you thought that you had infinite patience or that you were calm, nothing better than experiencing motherhood or fatherhood to realize that your personality can change radically when there are children involved.
When our children do not behave as expected, we often ask ourselves the question, are we doing it right? But maybe we should ask ourselves this question more often and not only in the & 39; bad times & 39 ;. Why should we ask ourselves if we are doing well as parents? That mom or dad hasn't ever felt guilty about something their kids have done?
Our children always surprise us with new things, but there are times when we look at them we go back to our childhood and remind us of everything we did when we were as young as them: the games, the illusions, the thoughts ... as if our children were living a part of our life!
& 39; We all know what happiness is. Everyone has a model to explain it & 39 ;. We have been living under the umbrella of the & 39; wonderful & 39; world for a few years; It is said of that world where we find messages like: & 39; If you want, you can get it & 39 ;, & 39; Nothing is impossible! & 39 ;, & 39; Thought changes everything & 39; or simply, & 39; You can!
Motherhood is wonderful, an experience that I blindly encourage every woman to experience, although I can also understand those people who have decided not to go on this roller coaster. And being a mother is a full-time job with constant overtime and limited breaks. Much has been written and said about how demanding this role that women take on is, and the last thing I've read and loved (I'm already packing my suitcase) is that mothers should go on vacation alone without children once year.
We all want to have that daughter or son who is emotionally intelligent, with values, self-assured ... right? And you may be wondering right now: & 39; How to do it? & 39; The answer is easy: being that person we want to see in them and, above all, controlling our negative emotions so that they do not affect children.
Who is your son most like? The eyes, the hair, the gestures ... the way of being. Who did he inherit the most from? Well, according to the latest studies, your child should look more ... like the father! At first you might think ... 'That's a lottery. Genetics is random & 39; ... but researchers have managed to show that men contribute more genetic load than women to their descendants.
Universally, the family is still considered the basic unit of society. It is one of the most powerful bonding. The International Day of the Family, which is celebrated every year on May 15, was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 47/237 of September 20, 1993, with the aim of increasing the degree of raising awareness about family-related issues and fostering family ties.
Every boy and every girl is a world, a phrase that you and I have heard hundreds of times and that is absolutely right in the world, right? However, as a mother of two girls, I can't help but think that there are a number of things that only mothers and fathers of girls understand. Don't get me wrong or think that I'm going to talk to you about topics, my idea is rather to tell you those little details that only those of us who have daughters see in a special way.
We have bought the multitasking model for many years: doing many things at the same time all the time. We are the society of doing; the more the better, the more, the more personal value we believe we have. Inactivity, which would be at the other extreme, is not well regarded, we associate it with sloppiness, laziness, reluctance, waste of time ... This causes parents to fear that their children will be bored or have nothing to do.
Why won't the kids come with a manual under their arm? Maybe that would be easier. Parents would know what to do and, consequently, they would be better off. So, if everything were so programmed, where would be the moments of asking for forgiveness and hugging, for example? Being parents is difficult, but it is the best adventure a person can face, it is to get on the roller coaster of emotions!
When we decide to become parents, we face the greatest challenge of our lives (even if we don't know it). How to raise balanced, mentally healthy and happy children. Everything is achieved with love, with passion, with truth and, above all, with less reproach. Here are 13 tips to get involved in educating children from home.
Frustration is a feeling that appears in the child when he is not able to satisfy some desire or need. This feeling causes the little one to experience a series of mixed emotions such as being angry, being sad, having anxiety, etc. And not knowing how to deal with them. However, there are certain things that, with a little thought, we can learn from the frustration that children sometimes feel.
We receive numerous messages asking for help or recommendations on what to do these days when we are confined at home with our children due to the coronavirus crisis. Unfortunately, it is an anomalous situation, which we would never have imagined, and since we have never been through it, we are not prepared to face a situation like this.
Spending more time with children is a wish that many parents have, so trying to negotiate the option of teleworking with your company is a great opportunity. You will avoid wasting an hour on the way out and another on the way back and, therefore, it will allow you to invest that time with your children. The problem occurs when special situations occur, such as the one living with the coronavirus, and it is time to telework with children at home.