Child hygiene

Experiment that shows children why they should wash their hands

Experiment that shows children why they should wash their hands

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Before lunch or dinner and whenever we come back from the street, I tell my daughters that they have to wash their hands. Most of the time they do it reluctantly and, as if it were Sherlock Holmes himself, I have to follow them or smell their hands to see if they have obeyed me. As much as I tell them that it is more than a gesture, there are things that children do not understand when you explain them and you have to show them with an example. And this is how I have taught you the Viral experiment by a US teacher showing children why they should wash their hands.

Jaralee Annice Metcalf is a school teacher in the United States who was sick of always being sick. It was to start the school year and all kinds of viruses appear. While there are some that are unavoidable, she wanted to show children in this course that they must take steps to kill the happy germs.

And to explain why her students need to wash their hands more often, she did a simple experiment with some bread. He took five slices of a loaf and some resealable bags. The first was not touched by hands and was immediately placed in the ziplock bag. It was labeled 'fresh and intact'. For the next one, all the children washed their hands with soap and water and the whole class touched the slice.

For the third, they washed their hands with hand sanitizer (but not soap and water) and again, the whole class touched it. Another got up with unwashed hands and rubbed at the laptops they use in class. The teacher explained that they regularly clean their laptops with wipes, but not before this experiment to show how germs can accumulate on computers.

Each was labeled with a sticky note and left for about three weeks. The results showed that the intact bread and slice corresponded to the one that the children had touched with their hands washed with soap and water, and that had hardly changed! The slice that was touched with hands washed with hand sanitizer had a patch of mold on one side. The slice touched by dirty hands had blue and yellow mold in the middle, but the worst slice was the one that got cleaned up on student computers. The piece is almost completely covered in dark blue mold !!!

Jaralee posted the results of the experiment on Facebook to tell parents to remind their children to wash their hands properly with soap and water. 'We did a science project in class this past month as flu season began. And I did it because I am someone who is always sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Please wash your hands and remind your kids to do it too! And it is important to know that hand sanitizer is not an alternative to hand washing. Absolutely!!".

A whole lesson that made the students think and that I am convinced that they have not been taken lightly (mine have not). And it is necessary wash your hands well with soap and water more often.

Washing your hands is more than just a gesture, it is the best way to protect yourself and your family from constantly visiting the health center in your city! It prevents infection for the following reasons:

- How many times do you touch your eyes, mouth or nose a day? You have to know that germs can enter your body through any of these holes and can make you sick.

- Imagines touch a piece of bread or fruit with dirty hands and, immediately after, you put that food in your mouth. You are giving viruses free rein to enter your body andworst of all, reproduce because microbes can multiply in some types of food or drink under certain conditions.

- If you don't wash your hands, you can transmit these germs because throughout the day you touch a lot of things: tables, notebooks, doors ...

Now that you are convinced of the importance of washing your hands, it's time to ask yourself the million dollar question, when to do it? Follow the directions below!

- Before starting to cook, of any meal, if you are caring for someone who is sick and if you have to clean a wound.

- After cooking, being with a sick person, treating a bloody cut, peeing or pooping, changing a diaper, touching an animal, throwing away the garbage.

Washing your hands is a simple thing And that shouldn't be a problem, but perhaps in this simplicity we can be in a hurry and not do it in the most correct way. Follow the following steps, recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and you will be doing it right. It won't take you more than 60 seconds!

- Wet both of your hands with tap water at a warm or cold temperature. Then pour soap over them.

- Rub your hands well until lather comes out. Make sure you wash the backs of them well, between your fingers, and under your nails.

- The time you must be doing this action has to be at least 20 seconds.

- Now, open the tap (be careful with wasting water) and rinse well.

- Finally, dry with a towel (perhaps it is good that you have a small washcloth each and that you only use that for your hands) or in the air. As best it suits you!

You can read more articles similar to Experiment that shows children why they should wash their hands, in the category of child hygiene on site.

Video: Science for Kids - What Happens if You Dont Wash Your Hands. Operation Ouch (January 2025).